Tuesday, 19 April 2016

What if...?

[Disclaimer: My blog posts tend to prattle on a bit. You may not learn anything, but if you like randomness, read on.]

What if...?

Are you ever in a conversation that involves that question? I am. Quite often, actually. Maybe its down to the company I keep. My friends and I often ask these type of questions. Not because was are uneducated buffoons who can’t answer serious questions such as:

Who are you voting for?

What are your views on the current crisis in whatever country that is having a crisis at the moment?

What do you think of the budget report this year?

...but rather, because we enjoy the quirky things in life. Life can get very serious and tedious. Working long hours can be annoying. Parenting can be stressful. Remembering to have a shower once a month can be extremely time consuming. That last one was a joke. No, it really was a joke. I meant to say once a week... I mean daily.

Moving on. The “What if...” question can open up a world of possibilities. If you are with your friends, whether it be at a pub, cafĂ©, or even at home having a few drinks and a takeaway, this question could take you on an adventure. It can bring out the humour in people, of which they’ve never seen before. Or, It could make you see the dark side in them. Either way, “What if...” is a fabulous ice breaker.

They range from full on questions that make you think, to hypothetical questions that make you say...


A What If... meme circulated the interweb not so long ago; still is.



Now those don’t ask you to answer the question, but rather makes you think. Quirky, aren’t it?

I was with my friends the other night... well, I say friends, I mean my wife and three cats. Again, I’m joking. It was actually a few weeks back. Anyway, we were chatting about the questions, and it got us thinking... The good thing about these questions are that they don’t have to conform to the rules of the norm. Not thinking too hard about it makes it more fun.

For instance, let's say this was said to you.

“What if the earths gravity was that of the moons?”

Now some people would overthink this, where as others would simply say something like...

“It would make traveling to work more fun, that’s for sure.”

Let me know in the comments which type you are. Would you explain the problems pertaining to decreased gravity on earth, or would you think of the fun things you could probably do? Either way is fine. That’s the fun. We can debate all night over such a simple and made up question.

Now on to a question that I was talking about the other day, with my friends... the ones in my head. I have so many conversation with myself. One would think that the best part of talking to yourself is always winning an argument. Ha! One would think!

Where was I? Oh yes! The question that got me thinking was this...

“What if we can fly?”

Like, I’m not saying... wouldn’t it be fun to fly, I'm saying... what if we can. Emphasis on CAN. So, this got me thinking. Maybe we can fly. Maybe the thing that is preventing us from flying is belief. We don’t believe we can fly, thus stopping us from flying. I know what you are thinking...

“I’ve tried to fly before, it didn’t work.”

We all have. But we didn’t (or don’t) truly believe that we can fly. And because of this, we can’t fly.

Can you think of any “What if...” questions?

What’s your favourite?

When was the last time you and your friends got together and talked utter nonsense?

Who are you voting for? Just kidding. This blog is serious enough without questions like that thrown into the fray.

Thank you for reading and enjoy the rest of your day.